Z1 Battle Royale FAQ Are The Developers Active? Z1: Battle Royale: Rebranded a fourth time after it briefly changed hands to a new developer before failing to attract an audience and returning home to Daybreak.H1Z1: Rebranded a third time after H1Z1: Just Survive was shut down).

King of the Kill: Rebranded once again after H1Z1:Just Survive started showing signs of attrition.H1Z1: King of the Kill Rebranded when it was split away from its open-world counterpart, H1Z1: Just Survive.H1Z1: Original Name of the PvPvE open-world zombie survival game, which saw King of the Kill launch as an additional mode.Z1 Battle Royale has been renamed and “relaunched” a total of four times Z1 Battle Royale will always be the “real H1Z1” to me, and despite its fall from grace, I will always treasure the memories I had there.